Specimen #1330

Name: Cuprite Chrysocolla Tenorite Slab

Type: Mineral

Locality: Milpilas Mine, Cananea, Mexico

Favorite? N

Fluorescent? N

Size: 15 x 10.5 x 0 .5 cm


Acquired: 2009-03-28

Source: Trinity: Dave Douglass

Label: Y

Comment: In the past twenty years I had never bought a slab, but when I saw this piece with aboslutely incredible color, I had to have it. The color simply jumps out at you.

Minerals: Chrysocolla ((Cu,Al)2H2Si2O5(OH)4 n(H2O)) Cuprite (Cu2O) Tenorite (CuO)

There are 3 pictures on file


Cuprite, Chrysocolla, Tenorite, Milpilas Mine, Cananea, Mexico - 15 x 10.5 x 0 .5 cm - polished side


Cuprite, Chrysocolla, Tenorite, Milpilas Mine, Cananea, Mexico - 15 x 10.5 x 0 .5 cm - unpolished side


Cuprite, Chrysocolla, Tenorite, Milpilas Mine, Cananea, Mexico - polished side