Specimen #501

Name: Orange Creedite

Type: Mineral

Locality: Mina Navidad, Rodeo, Municipio Rodeo, Durango, Mexico

Favorite? Y

Fluorescent? N

Size: 16.4 x 14.8 x 8.8 cm


Acquired: 2007-09-27

Source: Arkenstone Auction

Label: Y

Comment: As with the pink fluorites from the same locality, until these creedites were discovered, good crystallized specimens were exceedingly rare and expensive from ANY locality. Suddenly, you could own a really fine creedite without selling your house to get it. Then, about six months ago, we heard that the mining was FINISHED, apparently for good. So if you do not have one, well, here is another chance. We were lucky enough to put some aside before the mining stopped. This is a huge specimen of intergrown balls of creedite, covered with gemmy orange creedite crystals. There are about a dozen separate crystal balls here. A specimen of creedite this large and rich was utterly unimaginable until this find!

Minerals: Creedite (Ca3Al2(SO4)(F,OH)10 2(H2O))

There are 3 pictures on file


