Specimen #779

Name: Kutnahorite

Type: Mineral

Locality: Wessels Mine (Wessel's Mine), Hotazel, Kalahari manganese fields, Northern Cape Province, South Africa

Favorite? N

Fluorescent? N

Size: 7.5 x 7 x 5 cm

Weight: 205

Acquired: 2008-08-26

Source: Arkenstone Auction

Label: Y

Comment: Beautiful, sculptural cluster of pink Kutnahorite fans from the famous Wessels mine. This particular cluster has the delicate and well-defined crystal fans oriented in all directions, which is very unusual and thus highly desired. The fans average about 2 cm in size, and the fine pink color is very uniform and pleasing. One of the better Kutnahorites that I have seen in this collection and we will auction.

Minerals: Kutnahorite Kutnohorite (Ca(Mn,Mg,Fe++)(CO3)2)

There are 3 pictures on file


Kutnahorite, Wessels Mine, Hotazel, Kalahari manganese fields, South Africa - 7.5 x 7 x 5 mm


Kutnahorite, Wessels Mine, Hotazel, Kalahari manganese fields, South Africa - 7.5 x 7 x 5 mm


Kutnahorite, Wessels Mine, Hotazel, Kalahari manganese fields, South Africa