Specimen #864

Name: Artinite and Hydromagnesite

Type: Micromount

Locality: Staten Island, New York, USA

Favorite? N

Fluorescent? N



Acquired: 2008-11-03

Source: Ian Heales Collection

Label: N

Comment: Hydromagnesite is one of those minerals that has a name that sounds more like a chemical than a mineral. It is either named for its chemistry or for being the hydrated relative of magnesite. Other hydrated magnesium carbonates include dypingite, giorgiosite and artinite. Artinite is often associated with hydromagnesite.

Minerals: Artinite (Mg2(CO3)(OH)2 3(H2O)) Hydromagnesite (Mg5(CO3)4(OH)2 4(H2O))

There is one picture on file


Artinite and Hydromagnesite, Staten Island, New York - Magnification: 7.5X, FOV: 18.0 x 12.0 mm