Specimen #964

Name: CyanotrichiteUSA

Type: Micromount

Locality: Arizona, USA

Favorite? N

Fluorescent? N



Acquired: 2008-11-18

Source: Ian Heales Collection

Label: N

Comment: Cyanotrichite is a wonderfully colored mineral. Its bright azure to sky blue color is very impressive. Cyanotrichite typically forms acicular or hair like crystals aggregated into radial clusters, tufts and sprays. The color is very impressive for such tiny crystals. It is an aptly named mineral since cyano and trich are derived from the Greek for blue and hair, respectively. It is formed from the oxidation of copper ore minerals along with other oxidation zone minerals.

Minerals: Cyanotrichite (Cu4Al2(SO4)(OH)12 2(H2O))

There is one picture on file


Cyanotrichite, Arizona - FOV: 9.0 x 6.0 mm (5 stacked images)